In collaboration with the start-up "Polarmond," scientists at Empa developed an "all-in-one" shelter system. Inside the shelter conditions remain comfortable whatever the weather outdoors, thanks to a sophisticated dehumidifying system and a fine-tuned temperature control mechanism.
At the Swiss Textiles Association's Innovation Day, the new start-up firm Polarmond presented its patented "all-in-one" sleeping system. This combines the functions of a sleeping bag, sleeping mat and bivouac in one product. What is particularly special about it is that the spacious inner room allows the user to sleep comfortably -- as if in their own bed -- at temperatures down to -30°C, and yet it is heated by nothing more than the occupant's body heat. Empa researchers Martin Camenzind and Matthew Morrissey assisted Polarmond in the search for suitable materials, and helped in finding a solution to the problems of thermal insulation and dealing with moisture.
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