Engineers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a hydrogel SuperGlue that boast toughness comparable to bonds between animals cartilages, tendons and bones, yet is made up of 90 percent water.
Nature has its own way of promoting unprecedented adhesive powers that animals are benefiting from. For example, mussels are able to stick to whale skin, cliff edges and ship hulls. Aside from that, some animals are able to enjoy having access to efficient adhesive features, such as those found on their skeletal structures.
The natural sticky power comes from what is called hydrogel, which is a combination of water and gummy substance that forms a durable and sturdy bond.
In their experiment, MIT researchers showcased the resilience of hydrogel by applying a small dollop between two glass plates and hung a 55-pound weight from it. In another investigation, the scientists applied hydrogel to a silicon wafer and pounded it with a hammer. The result? The wafer fragmented yet the pieces remained in place due to the stick hydrogel.
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