Russian and Japanese scientists have developed graphene-based transistor and demonstrated with modeling the feasibility of its ultralow-power operation, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) said on Monday.

The most important consequence of reduced power consumption is the increase in performance which could be as high as two orders of magnitude. These record values are possible due to the unusual dependence of electron energy on momentum in graphene bilayer, which resembles a Mexican hat.

"Under optimum conditions, the current in graphene bilayer tunnel transistor can be changed by thirty thousand times with a gate voltage swing of only 150 millivolts", MIPT said. «Such a small operating voltage means that the novel transistor requires less energy for switching. At a lower power, the heating of electronic components is reduced, which means that they are able to operate at a higher clock speed - not one gigahertz, but ten for example, or even one hundred," said Dmitry Svintso, the head of the MIPT Laboratory of 2D Materials’ Optoelectronics.

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