A new study presented at a SETI meeting in Puerto Rico outlines the ways in which an alien civilization may possess a different, non-visual sensory framework, and how that may color attempts to establish communication with them.

When we imagine extraterrestrial intelligences, we usually think of something approximately like us—even if they may look a little unusual, possessing the requisite slimy tentacles or bug eyes. In fact, there’s even a term for such hypothetical creatures: “bug-eyed monsters” (or BEMs).

However, according to a new paper published at a meeting of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in Puerto Rico, scientists will have to rethink the perceptual and sensory capabilities of potential alien civilizations—for instance, they may not have eyes at all, “bug-like” or otherwise.

What a monumental pile of steaming bull caca. And these people call themselves "scientists?"  To read more and view the video, click here.