Will alien life be left undiscovered by humans for another 1,500 years, as a new study by a group of astronomers suggest, or will that day come much sooner? There are several good reasons to believe that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the galaxy — and it may be found fairly close to our home planet.

If advanced life-forms are common throughout the galaxy, it increases the chances such a civilization will be found near Earth. Here are the top five reasons to believe aliens may soon be discovered by our own species.

First, the sheer number of exoplanets is remarkable. The Kepler spacecraft alone has recorded 2,326 planets circling other stars. It would appear alien stars are brimming with worlds.

In addition, water is often considered to be a requirement for life, at least of the type found on Earth. Once thought to be rare on alien worlds, water has now been seen on Europa, Mars and Enceladus. This suggests the universal solvent may also be common on planets circling other suns.

"Life finds a way" is not just a quote from Jurassic Park, but is also a statement on the resiliency of life. Here on Earth, life-forms evolved in areas without light, oxygen and other necessities for most species.

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