A few theories in particle physics suggest there is much more to our universe than meets the eye – and these extra dimensions could answer questions ranging from quantum physics to gravity.
One of these, called 'brane theory', suggests multiple dimensions could be hiding extra universes.
‘Brane theory is part of a larger theory called string theory, which attempts to explain how all the forces and particles we see fit into one single description,’ Dr Chris White, a physicist from the Queen Mary University of London, told MailOnline
‘It suggests that the basic building blocks of nature, instead of being particles, can instead be strings, planes and higher dimensional generalisations collectively called “branes”.
‘The equations of string theory, which necessarily includes branes, only make sense in 9 space dimensions, rather than the 3 we appear to observe.’
Strings live in a 9-dimensional space, and when time is included as another dimension, this makes ten.
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