'Gazing at the stars I always imagined there was someone up there looking back', Hawking says during the film, titled ‘Stephen Hawking’s Favorite Places'.

'As I grow older I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone.'

'After a lifetime of wondering, I am helping to lead a new global effort to find out'.

'The Breakthrough Listen project will scan the nearest million stars for signs of life, but I know just the place to start looking.' 

‘One day we might receive a signal from a planet like Gliese 832c, but we should be wary of answering back.’ 

CuriosityStream, a multiplatform for on-demand nonfiction documentaries, introduced the exclusive 25 minute film, which takes viewers on a personal journey through space and time exploring the wonders of the universe.

After visiting the deep super massive black hole, Sagittarius A*, Hawking travels to Gliese 832c, which he says is the most Earth-like exo-planet in the universe and the best place for potential extraterrestrial life.

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