Since 2015, a star that can be seen mysteriously brightening and dimming has captured the imagination of scientists and conspiracy theorists alike.

Many explanations have been offered for the mysterious dimming, but a consensus is yet to be reached.

Now a new paper suggests the star gives off jets that could be a source of energy for an alien civilisation.

Tabby's Star, known officially as KIC 8462852, has baffled experts since it was discovered by citizen scientists in 2015. 

Observations revealed its light dimmed regularly, which some claim could be evidence of a hypothetical structure which could be used by an advanced alien race to harness the energy of a star.

Many scientists remain sceptical, suggesting that the dimming could be explained by a dust ring around the star or a hail of comets passing in between the star and Earth.

Now a new paper, published by Professor Eduard Heindl from Furtwangen University, Germany, provides a mathematical model to support the involvement of aliens.

'If a super civilisation has used all raw material of its planets, they could found more in their star,' Professor Heindl told MailOnline.

'For example, our sun has at least 6,000 times more metals as the planets.

'To mine this resource, they have to lift the material of their star into an orbit to cool down the stuff and use it. 

Professor Heindl's paper said the star could be a source of 'star mining' for extra terrestrial life.

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