Did Apollo 11 land on the Moon? This has been a matter of controversy, ever since NASA claimed that it has successfully achieved landing on the Moon. When Neil Armstrong set foot on the surface of the Moon, the Apollo 11 mission became legendary and was considered a milestone in history of mankind. Even though the videos and pics have been released by NASA for the general public viewing, skeptics find it hard to believe that the Apollo did actually land on Moon.

2019 will mark the 50th anniversary of Apollo landing. But still, many believe that the whole thing is a hoax. A group of German scientists, referred to as "Team Part Time Scientists" are all set to debunk all the conspiracy theories associated with moon landing, by actually sending rovers to the moon to get evidences from the Apollo 11 landing site.

According to a news report published on Nature World News, the Team Part-Time (PT) Scientists is going to send two probes to the Moon, which are going to inspect the deserted lunar buggy that was left there by the Apollo 11 team. The team officially signed a contract with Spaceflight Industries on Nov. 29, 2016, which involves launching a lander with two rovers, in the year 2017. Karsten Becker, Head of Electronics, PT Scientists, revealed that the SpaceX Falcon 9 will be used as the vehicle to launch the lander.

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