From aspects of quantum entanglement to chemical reactions with large molecules, many features of the world cannot be described efficiently with conventional computers based on binary logic. The solution, as physicist Richard Feynman realized three decades ago1, is to use quantum processors that adopt a blend of classical states simultaneously, as matter does. Many technical hurdles must be overcome for such quantum machines to be practical, however. These include noise control and improving the fidelity of operations acting on the quantum states that encode the information.

The quantum-computing community is channelling most of its efforts towards building the ultimate machine: a digital quantum computer that tolerates noise and errors, and that in principle can be applied to any problem. In theory, such a machine — which will need large processors comprising many quantum bits, or qubits — should be able to calculate faster than a conventional computer. Such capability is at least a decade away2. Correcting for errors requires redundancy, and the number of qubits needed quickly mounts. For example, factorizing a 2,000-bit number in one day, a task believed to be intractable using classical computers3, would take 100 million qubits, even if individual quantum operations failed just once in every 10,000 operations. We have yet to assemble digital quantum processors with tens of qubits.

This conservative view of quantum computing gives the impression that investors will benefit only in the long term. We contend that short-term returns are possible with the small devices that will emerge within the next five years, even though these will lack full error correction.

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