The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently announced its trip date for an asteroid that could cost "quadrillions" of dollars in the future. The asteroid is called 16 Psyche. It is a massive chunk of precious metals that include platinum, gold as well as iron and nickel, which is why it would be very expensive.

According to Science Alert, the 16 Psyche asteroid contains $10,000 quadrillion of iron alone. If NASA could find a way to mine the minerals of the asteroid and bring these back to Earth, it would collapse the global economy of $78 trillion times over. But for the sake of the economic stability of the world, NASA only plans on looking and not extracting.

Why would it "collapse the global economy?" The only thing it might collapse is the global banking/commodities hegemony. And that's a good thing, IMO. But I have a feeling that this extremely valuable piece of off world real estate may already be "claimed." To read more, click here.