A burst of radio signals which may have originated from an alien satellite in deep space, in the line of sight leading to Ross 128 (also known as FI Virginis) may have been intercepted by the 1,000-foot-wide radio telescope at Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory. According to Abel Mendez, a planetary astrobiologist at the University of Puerto Rico "the signals consisted of broadband quasi-periodic non-polarized pulses with very strong dispersion-like features." Earth-based satellite use similar radio signals to communicate.

Although downplaying the possibility of aliens, Mendez admitted that "communication satellites transmit in the frequencies we observed." However, there were (and are) no satellites (from Earth) in the field of view which can explain the signals. Instead, "they are unique to Ross 128, and observations of other stars immediately before and after did not show anything similar" according to Mendez.

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