Humans have been fascinated with the elusive idea of time travel for generations, but there’s an astrophysicist who now says that it can actually happen. In a blog for Forbes called “Starts with a Bang,” Ethan Siegel of Lewis & Clark College says by using the laws of theoretical physics, we could technically construct “elaborate wormholes” that could deliver humans back to the past.

As Spiegel notes, the spacetime fabric is constantly undergoing positive and negative fluctuations. Theoretically, a strong positive fluctuation and a powerful negative fluctuation could connect to form a quantum wormhole. The wormhole can then become a passageway that can transport particles from one point in spacetime to another. But this only works if the wormhole can hold up long enough for that time travel to happen.

But creating a big enough wormhole to take a human from the present to the past will not be an easy task, Spiegel says. The search for the negative energy particles has been unsuccessful thus far.

“While every known particle in our Universe has positive energy and either positive or zero mass, it’s eminently possible to have negative mass/energy particles in the framework of General Relativity,” the astrophysicist writes. “Sure, we haven’t discovered any yet, but according to all the rules of theoretical physics, there’s nothing forbidding it.”

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