Many newspaper and magazine write nowadays about the so called quantum supremacy. This term is used to explain the immense power the first person, country or company would have that owns a classical not simulatable quantum computer. Currently, the maximal number of qubits ever simulated by a classical super computer is 56 qubits. So, that is the number to beat!

Another topic often raised by public media is D-Wave, the most advanced publicly available quantum computer. Many international organisations and companies like NASA, Google and others already own a D-Wave quantum computer. Many others have suggested interest in purchasing one. The reason for this is that D-Wave offers superior computational power in the fields of optimization, machine learning and monte-carlo simulations over classical super computers while using only a fraction of the electricity.

The newest model, the D-Wave 2000Q, is using the computational power of 2000 qubits, which is enabling calculations that would be all but impossible with classical super computers. So, why we are still talking about quantum supremacy, if D-Wave already exceeds 56 qubits?

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