A quantum theory of the universe consists of a theory of its quantum dynamics and a theory of its quantum state The theory predicts quantum multiverses in the form of decoherent sets of alternative histories describing the evolution of the universe's spacetime geometry and matter content. These consequences follow: (a) The universe generally exhibits different quantum multiverses at different levels and kinds of
coarse graining. (b) Quantum multiverses are not a choice or an assumption but are consequences of the theory or not. (c) Quantum multiverses are generic for simple theories (d) Anthropic selection is automatic because observers are physical systems within the universe not somehow outside it. (e) Quantum multiverses can provide different mechanisms for the variation constants in effective theories (like the cosmological constant) enabling anthropic selection. (f) Different levels of coarse grained multiverses provide different routes to calculation as a consequence of decoherence. We support these conclusions by analyzing the quantum multiverses of a variety of quantum cosmological models aimed at the prediction of observable properties of our universe. In particular we show how the example of a multiverse consisting of a vast classical spacetime containing many pocket universes arises automatically as part of a quantum multiverse describing an eternally inflating false vacuum that decays by the quantum nucleation of true vacuum bubbles. In a FAQ we argue that the quantum multiverses of the universe are scientific, real, testable, falsifiable, and similar to those in other areas of science even if they are not directly observable on arbitrarily large scales.

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