Inspired by some recent works of Tippett and Tsang, and of Price et al., we present a new spacetime model containing closed timelike curves (CTCs). This model is obtained postulating an ad hoc Lorentzian metric on ℝ4, which differs from the Minkowski metric only inside a spacetime region bounded by two concentric tori. The resulting spacetime is topologically trivial, free of curvature singularities and is both time and space orientable; besides, the inner region enclosed by the smaller torus is flat and displays geodesic CTCs. Our model shares some similarities with the time machine of Ori and Soen but it has the advantage of a higher symmetry in the metric, allowing for the explicit computation of a class of geodesics. The most remarkable feature emerging from this computation is the presence of future-oriented timelike geodesics starting from a point in the outer Minkowskian region, moving to the inner spacetime region with CTCs, and then returning to the initial spatial position at an earlier time; this means that time travel to the past can be performed by free fall across our time machine. The amount of time
travelled into the past is determined quantitatively; this amount can be made arbitrarily large keeping non-large the proper duration of the travel. An important drawback of the model is the violation of the classical energy conditions, a common feature of most time machines. Other problems emerge from our computations of the required (negative) energy densities and tidal forces; these are found to be small on a human scale only if the time machine has an astronomical size.

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