Yes, strong Bohm group in Teheran and they are all following my posts on conscious AI, the USS Nimitz “tic tack” encounter et-al on Linkedin.
The Bohm ontology as extended by Sutherland and me using the Frohlich effect explains how to:
1. Make room temperature superconductors, quantum Hall effect topological computers and other useful macro-quantum devices operating at ordinary temperatures without the need for bulky cryogenics.
2. Fully conscious nano-electronic artificial intelligence that will clearly be applied to weapons systems, hence the strong interest in Teheran.
3. Low power warp drive using Frohlich pumped layered meta-materials as seen in the flight of the UAVs.
Note, my idea here has nothing to do with the SIMULATION of the gravitational bending of light rays in ordinary non-superconducting metamaterials in thermodynamic equilibrium - several physicists like Jim Woodward and others have confused what I am talking about with that.
I am talking about specially designed layered meta-materials which go into an active matter Frohlich coherent phase far off thermodynamic equilibrium only when resonantly pumped by photons for different bands of wave vector k and frequency f of the response of the meta-material to these external pump photons.
The energy density of the meta-material itself is always positive and its influence on the local gravitational field is normal and ignorable. In contrast, the energy density of the pump photons is negative “exotic" inside the meta-material and its effect on the local gravitational field is very strong allowing small amounts of electromagnetic pump power to strongly change the evanescent gravity field in a small boundary layer of the non-equilibrium room-temperature superconducting layered meta-material. The effect we want here is for large numbers of virtual pump photons in Glauber coherent states in the applied external non-radiating NEAR FIELD that is strongly transduced to the evanescent gravity NEAR field that has the repulsive component from the negative pump virtual photon energy density. The basic Einstein linearized time-frequency/space-wave vector wavelet transform field equation is
Guv(xt, kf) = 8pi(G/c^4)(1 + electric permittivity(xt, kf))^2 (1 + magnetic permeability(xt, kf))^2Tuv(EM pump field)
Tuv(EM pump field) is LINEAR in (1 + electric permittivity(xt, kf)) and (1 + magnetic permeability(xt, kf))
The active matter Frohlich coherent phase corresponds to 
electric permittivity(xt, kf)/ magnetic permeability(xt, kf)—> negative infinity (large but finite negative) for the evanescent NEAR FIELD
f =/= ck
The anomalous bending of light rays will happen of course around the “tic tac” but that is a secondary effect.
Also, the mass of the tic tac seen by the external observer is irrelevant because locally the tic tac is free floating on the timelike geodesic it is creating for itself with absurdly small amounts of on-board electrical power.
The USS Nimitz UFO incident refers to a 2004 Radar-Visual encounter of an unidentified flying object by US fighter pilots of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group. In December 2017, infrared footage of the encounter was released to the public.[2][3]
A 2015 account of the incident on, interviews with one of the pilots, and subsequent news reports describe the sighting of an "unidentified flying object" by six Super Hornet fighter jets over the Pacific in November, 2004.[4]
According to The Washington Post, the video was released by former intelligence officer Luis Elizondo to shed light on a secretive Department of Defense operation to analyze reported UFO sightings, the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program.[5][6][7]
"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." Winston Churchill
"Science is seeking a system which will bind together the observed facts to make for the greatest possible simplicity.” -Albert Einstein 

On Apr 6, 2018, at 10:39 PM, wms121 <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

...follow-up, for instance these two papers showed up on a search for "Bohmian Thesis”:

Some Novel Thought Experiments Involving Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information


submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics

Omid Akhavan

Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology

Tehran, July 2003 



Current-based Simulation Models of Quantum Motion

Johannes Mesa Pascasio

TU Wien, Rigorosum am 26. April 2017

Supervisor Prof. Manfried Faber


Prof. Maurice A. de Gosson Prof. Basil Hiley 

Will keep looking...there was another paper on "Bohmian Quantum Gravity".
Several in fact:

Bohmian Quantum Gravity in the Linear Field Approximation


Physics Department, Tehran University, End of North Karegar St., Tehran 14352, IRAN


Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, P.O.Box 19395-5531, Tehran,



Physics Department, Iran University of Science and Technology, P.O.Box 16765–163, Narmak,

Tehran, IRAN


Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, P.O.Box 19395-5531, Tehran,


In this paper we have applied Bohmian quantum theory to the linear

field approximation of gravity and present a self–consistent quantum gravity

theory in the linear field approximation. The theory is then applied to some

specific problems, the Newtonian limit, and the static spherically symmetric

solution. Some observable effects of the theory are investigated. 


Relativistic Bohmian mechanics from scalar gravity

Benjamin Koch

Pontificia Universidad Cat ́olica de Chile, Av. Vicun ̃a Mackenna 4860, Santiago, Chile

(Dated: September 11, 2017)

In this article we show that the fundamental equations of relativistic Bohmian mechanics for a single particle can be derived from a scalar theory of curved space-time. This paper is written in honor of David Bohm. 



A proposal for a Bohmian ontology of quantum gravity

Antonio Vassallo†‡ and Michael Esfeld

University of Lausanne, Department of Philosophy, CH-1015 Lausanne
University of Warsaw, Institute of Philosophy, Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warsaw


The paper shows how the Bohmian approach to quantum physics can be applied to develop a clear and coherent ontology of non-pertur- bative quantum gravity. We suggest retaining discrete objects as the primitive ontology also when it comes to a quantum theory of space- time and therefore focus on loop quantum gravity. We conceive atoms of space, represented in terms of nodes linked by edges in a graph, as the primitive ontology of the theory and show how a non-local law in which a universal and stationary wave-function figures can provide an order of configurations of such atoms of space such that the classical space-time of general relativity is approximated. Although there is as yet no fully worked out physical theory of quantum gravity, we regard the Bohmian approach as setting up a standard that proposals for a serious ontology in this field should meet and as opening up a route for fruitful physical and mathematical investigations. 

Bohmian quantum gravity and cosmology

Nelson Pinto-Netoand Ward Struyve† January 11, 2018


Quantum gravity aims to describe gravity in quantum mechanical terms. How ex- actly this needs to be done remains an open question. Various proposals have been put on the table, such as canonical quantum gravity, loop quantum gravity, string theory, etc. These proposals often encounter technical and conceptual problems. In this chapter, we focus on canonical quantum gravity and discuss how many conceptual problems, such as the measurement problem and the problem of time, can be overcome by adopting a Bohmian point of view. In a Bohmian theory (also called pilot-wave theory or de Broglie-Bohm theory, after its originators de Broglie and Bohm), a system is described by certain variables in space-time such as parti- cles or fields or something else, whose dynamics depends on the wave function. In the context of quantum gravity, these variables are a space-time metric and suit- able variable for the matter fields (e.g., particles or fields). In addition to solving the conceptual problems, the Bohmian approach yields new applications and predictions in quantum cosmology. These include space-time singularity resolution, new types of semi-classical approximations to quantum gravity, and approxima- tions for quantum perturbations moving in a quantum background.