A former Amazon Echo user received the shock of her life. The smart speaker invaded her privacy by recording her private conversation.
Danielle (no last name was given), a woman in Portland, Oregon, revealed to the KRIO CBS 7 News that someone hacked into her Amazon Echo Dot. Two weeks ago, she received an urgent message from one of her husband's colleagues. The colleague, who lived in Seattle, revealed to her that her digital assistant was hacked and that he was able to hear their private conversation with her husband.
The recipient spilled that Danielle and her husband were talking about hardwood floors. She was livid with the discovery and took the recipient's advice by removing her Amazon Echos from her house. Danielle had several of the Amazon devices in her household. She used the products to control several functions including her security system. She vowed not to plug in the Amazon product in the future because it violated her privacy.
Anyone who puts one of these digital snitches in their home is borderline crazy, IMO. To read more, click here.