Doomsday has a name. Moscow christens their newest nuclear apocalypse machine “POSEIDON” — after the Greek God of oceans, earthquakes, and tsunamis.
POSEIDON will be deployed between 2018 and 2027, according to TASS. The program was secret until 2016.
In 2016, Russian state television “accidentally” revealed plans for an unmanned robot submarine, like a huge intelligent torpedo, armed with a massive 100-megaton warhead — the largest nuclear weapon ever deployed by any nation. POSEIDON would explode underwater to radioactively contaminate and inundate with tsunamis U.S. coastal cities and seaboard, where are concentrated much of America’s military-industrial strength and population.
U.S. intelligence confirms the existence of POSEIDON in the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review. Russia is testing a prototype.
Russian press reports the power of the robot-bomb will be 100 megatons — equivalent to 100 million tons of TNT, according to former senior Defense Department official, Mark Schneider, one of Washington’s best informed analysts.