“In quantum metrology, semiconductor single-electron pumps are used to generate accurate electric currents with the goal of implementing the emerging quantum standard of the ampere,” said Dr. Rossi, Dr. Tettamanzi and their colleagues from Aalto University and the Universities of New South Wales and Latvia.

“Pumps based on electrostatically defined tunable quantum dots have thus far shown the most promising performance in combining fast and accurate charge transfer.”

“However, at frequencies exceeding approximately 1 GHz the accuracy typically decreases.”

The single-electron pump developed by the team can produce one billion electrons per second and uses quantum mechanics to control them one-by-one.

It’s so precise the scientists have been able to use their device to measure the limitations of current electronics equipment.

“Achieving full control of electrons in these nano-systems will be highly beneficial for realistic implementation of a scalable quantum computer,” Dr. Tettamanzi said.

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