Are AI-generated fake videos a potential threat to US national security?

A group of U.S. lawmakers thinks so. On Thursday, they called on U.S. intelligence agencies to prepare a report evaluating how the country might stop " deepfake " technologies from spreading misinformation on the internet.

"We are deeply concerned that deep fake technology could soon be deployed by malicious foreign actors," reads a letter from U.S. Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Stephanie Murphy (D-Fla.) and Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.).

The big worry is that foreign governments will one day fool millions of Americans with AI-generated fake video or audio. Imagine a U.S. politician being depicted as making a racist comment and the clip going viral right before an election. Thanks to today's machine learning algorithms, a bad actor might be able to pull this off. The technology can already clone your voice, swap someone's face with another, and take existing footage and manipulate the subject's lips to say something else.

It's possible that it's already being done. To read more, click here.