Navy and Marine Corps interest in up-gunning its new Amphibious Combat Vehicle with a stronger, longer-range 40mm cannon may have taken a step forward following a live-fire demonstration which blasted off the cannon -- destroying enemy pick-up trucks, aerial drones, groups of fighters and other metal targets.

Integrating the new cannon brings a new level of firepower to the Corps’ emerging new high-tech ACV, which is currently armed with a 30mm Bushmaster Northrop Chain Gun - Cannon. The live-fire demo, taking place at a recent Northrop Grumman Bushmaster User Conference in the Arizona desert, showed the 40mm armed cannon’s ability to explode, burn and shatter larger, more fortified targets at longer ranges -- compared to the ACVs 30mm cannon.

A 40mm diameter brings a larger attack explosion, significantly longer range and -- in a newer cutting edge development -- and ability to target and hit air-flying enemy drones.

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