Anyone who had Science as a subject in high school must have heard about the term “Law of conservation of Energy.” Basically, it tells you that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transferred from one form to another.


The definition fits so well into our daily lives when you observe things through the same lens. Let us consider your gasoline car, for example.


The chemical energy of the gasoline is converted to thermal energy upon combustion, which is then converted to mechanical energy.


Take the case of the rock falling from a height, potential energy to kinetic energy.


And the same definition applies to mass too, as mass can neither be creating nor destroyed, It can only be converted from one form to another. This law is known as the Law of conservation of Mass.


Einstein coined these two laws and gave us the famous Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy,  where the iconic equation was put together - E = mc2 (Energy Mass Equivalence).


But can we say for sure that the Law of Conservation of Energy is absolute? What if energy can be created?


With certain arguments on the rise, let’s review the most popular arguments against the law of the conservation of energy.

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