An Afshar-type experiment is presented, using two entangled photons, A and B, tested by the experimenters Alice and Bob, respectively
.The photonA is tested later than the photon B. The problem posed is how many components (wave-packets) has the photon B. It is proved that their number depends on the type of test that Alice chooses to do on photon A.Despite the fact that by the time Alice tests her photon, the photon B doesn’t exist anymore, it is shown that either the photon B imposes to Alice what type of test to perform, or photon B knows in advance what will be Alice’s choice on the test-type, and adjusts its number of wave-packets accordingly. Moreover, contrary to the opinion of some physicists that accepting the existence of a preferred frame would solve the problem, it is shown here that even judging according with an absolute time, the backward-in-time effect persists.

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