In years to come, quantum computers and quantum networks might be able to tackle tasks that are inaccessible to traditional computer systems. For instance, they could be used to simulate complex matter or enable fundamentally secure communications.

The elementary building blocks of quantum information systems are known as qubits. For to become a tangible reality, researchers will need to identify strategies to control many qubits with very high precision rates.

Spins of individual particles in solids, such as electrons and nuclei have recently shown great promise for the development of quantum networks. While some researchers were able to demonstrate an elementary control of these qubits, so far, no one has reported entangled quantum states containing more than three spins.

In order to reach the computational power necessary to complete complex tasks, quantum registers should be significantly larger than those realized so far. However, controlling individual spins within complex and strongly interacting has so far proved to be very challenging.

Recently, a team of researchers at TU Delft and Element Six has successfully demonstrated a fully controllable ten- spin register with a quantum memory up to one minute. Their findings, presented in a paper published in Physical Review X, could pave the way for the development of larger and yet controllable quantum registers, ultimately opening up new exciting possibilities for .

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