A Texas mom and teenage son filed UFO reports describing an "octagon-shaped, bright grayish ship that moved directly over their SUV as they traveled along Highway 36 near Cameron, according to witness testimony released today from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

The report was part of NUFORC's monthly release of UFO reports. The incident occurred about 11:30 p.m. on December 30, 2012.

From the mother's report:

"I must preface, I'm somewhat nervous to have to explain something of this nature," the witness stated. "Never in a million years would I have thought it remotely possible in reality. Last night my son and I were driving on Highway 36 around 11:30 p.m. on our way to my mother's house in Coppers Cove, TX. In the distance we noticed a very bright flashing light. My first thought was that it could be a plane, helicopter or a signal tower with unusually bright lights."

Suddenly the object moved directly over their vehicle.

"We continued to watch it when suddenly it was RIGHT ON ABOVE of our SUV! There are few words that will effectively relay to anyone that wasn't there just how large and utterly surreal looking this thing was. It was shaped like an octagon with flashing lights on all sides. It looked like a building floating in the sky. It had depth/structure to it that's hard to put into context. I was in shock and as a mother I became fearful this thing could be a potential threat considering how close it was."

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