A Texas-based vet who claimed to have found DNA evidence of Bigfoot has finally published her findings - in a journal she set up.

Melba Ketchum hopes her 'proof' of the existence of the elusive hominids will be the first step towards recognising them as an undiscovered Native American group.

Although she first announced her claims in November, the publication of her full results was delayed because no peer-reviewed scientific journal would accept her study.

Instead, Dr Ketchum, from Nacogdoches, Texas, apparently finally self-published her findings on Saturday in the so-called DeNovo Scientific Journal.

She is selling the study - entitled Novel North American Hominins, Next Generation Sequencing of Three Whole Genomes and Associated Studies - for $30 through the journal's website.

Her rejection by mainstream journals and choice to self publish has, inevitably, raised eyebrows.


After hearing Ketchum interviewed on the radio last night, I'm even more skeptical. Time will tell. To read more, click here.