It seems that all across America, there are areas that have tales of what might be called “Bigfoot stories.” Virtually all of them tell of a super-sized giant resembling a human being. The detailed descriptions vary as to size and shape, but there are some things in common. Generally it is told that the footprints are in the 18-20 inch range. Also, the gigantic body is usually covered in black or brown hair. This hair is usually said to be muddy or matted and in most cases, there is a long, overwhelming eye-burning scent that lingers long after the beast has passed. Some say they have encountered the scent without encountering the sight and have fled.

Most of these bigfoot reports come from the Pacific Northwest, but there are other scattered stories coming from other parts of the nation. In Virginia, I am aware of reports that include Culpepper, Dinwiddie, Orange, Highland, Amherst, Bath, Prince William, Giles and Wythe counties. In the area of Tennessee near Bristol, there are claims made of such in Johnson, Greene, Hancock and Hawkins counties.

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