n 2010, I wrote a book called Final Events. It’s probably my most controversial book to date. Final Events told the story of a semi-official/quasi-official think-tank that concludes the UFO phenomenon is demonic. And when I say demonic, I mean in the horned, fork-tailed, and fiery pit sense. But, they put a distinctly unusual spin on things: namely, they believe the phenomenon “feeds” upon a poorly understood form of energy contained in the human soul. In other words, we are being reared, nurtured, and finally digested, just like cattle. Or, so the think-tank asserts.

Of course, as member of the group – unofficially titled the Collins Elite – freely admitted, it was simply a theory and nothing else. It was also a theory born out of the fact that the vast majority of the members of the group held strong religious beliefs that pre-dated their UFO research. And we should never forget that belief is a powerful and influential tool.

It’s interesting to note, however, that stories of predatory UFO entities – presumed to be extraterrestrial, even though no proof has ever been forthcoming – with disturbing interests in the human soul are not limited to the conclusions of the Collins Elite. When we look carefully and closely at the field of Ufology, we see something highly notable: such claims are everywhere.

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