The Mogollon Monster is a Bigfoot-type creature claimed to inhabit central and eastern Arizona along the Mogollon Rim. It is said to be nocturnal and omnivorous and very territorial. It walks with wide strides leaving 22-inch footprints.

The creature has also been alleged to mimic birds, coyotes, and other wildlife, and will also make whistling sounds. It builds its nest out of pine needles, twigs, and leaves. It is also said that it will throw stones from a hidden location.

Its feeding habit generally includes wildlife such as deer and it is reported that the creature decapitates its prey before devouring it. In most reports, just prior to an encounter, there is an eerie silence.

The Mogollon Monster is said to be over seven feet tall and covered with reddish brown hair. Its large eyes are said to be wild and red. Witnesses say it has a strong pungent odor similar to that of dead fish, skunk, decaying peat moss, and musk of a snapping turtle.

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