A paranormal investigator caught a mysterious light on video twice in December. In the first video he believes the object landed, and he says the next day he found circular impressions on the ground where he believes the object touched down.

The man who captured the video refers to himself as Lord Rick Rowe, and runs a paranormal investigation group called the Paranormal & Ghost Society. His YouTube channel is called AngelOfThyNight, and mostly contains videos of paranormal investigations. However, these are some of the few UFO videos he has posted.

The first of Rowe’s two recent UFO videos was captured on December 12, 2013 on a hill near his home. The object appears to be a point of light that changes color. This is not uncommon for an out of focus star on the horizon. The atmosphere causes the object to appear to change color. However, as Rowe points out, the object is strobing at varying rates, often very quickly. He says he also saw it move.

To read more and view the video, click here.