My previous article – on the 40th anniversary of what has become known as the “Welsh Roswell” – prompted a couple of people to ask me if there are any other cases of alleged crashed UFO events in the U.K. Well, yes, there are, actually. That’s to say, there are cases. Whether any of them really involved genuine, fallen flying saucers, however, is quite another matter entirely. But, since I opened the floodgates by dissecting the Welsh incident, then why not share with you the data on the other ones, too? So here goes…

There are longstanding reports of a UFO having plummeted to earth somewhere in the north of England during the Second World War. It’s one of those tales that is equal parts hearsay, legend, folklore, testimony and fact. Some say the object was a definitive flying saucer, one that was piloted by diminutive humanoids that lost their lives in the violent crash. Others maintain the object was one of the legendary Foo Fighters that perplexed both Allied and Axis pilots during the war against Hitler’s minions and cronies.

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