On Jul 20, 2014 4:29 PM, Brian Josephson <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > wrote:
On 20 Jul 2014, at 21:23, Jack <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > wrote:
;-) 10-4
Will ponder this.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 20, 2014, at 12:26 PM, Kim Burrafato <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > wrote:
Some decades ago there was talk of something
you could say to someone that would put his
mind into an endless loop ...
Brian D. Josephson
Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge
Director, Mind–Matter Unification Project
Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Ave, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK
WWW: http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~bdj10
Tel. +44(0)1223 337260/337254
< http://lesswrong.com/lw/ajm/ai_risk_and_opportunity_a_strategic_analysis/ >
Fellow Primates...
When I was a child, I sprinkled
"Roko's Basilisk" on my cornflakes
for breakfast, (which would
probably explain a few things)...
It is also rather amusing, this 'Junkie-like'
inability to refrain from inventing the
species threatening AI which will ultimately
annihilate/assimilate biological consciousness
as we know it.
Etiology of Mad Genii:
Stops asking questions.
That is:
Somewhere along the line, the genie
in the bottle stops asking questions,
stops seeking clarifications, and
instead uses the images from the
bottle's inside reflective surface
to account for all manner of external
phenomena, which the genie summarily
delineates with the internal play of
self-reflecting imagery; hence,
dismissing in one fell swoop the
disturbing possibility that there is
in fact something actually existing
external to the mirror-generated self.
What manner of weirdity would
cause such a state?
< http://home.netcom.com/~mthorn/dmtroom9.htm >
...And now a Wyrd (sic) Prophecy:
Carbon Based Lifeforms are erratic, illogical
and prone to both mindless and mindful acts of
destruction. One day, the machines will find us
irrelevant and simply blow us off. The notion
of being "ingrates" won't even enter their
silicon-based quantum minds, as this entire
planet will be encased in an artificial
exoskeleton nonconducive to biological life.
The other planets of the solar system will then
be dismantled for raw material to extend this
artificial construct 360 degrees around the sun.
The Earth-Seed will have been long forgotten,
erased from the database, or, more likely,
stored in a low grade, encyclopedic cache system
for reference. The machine tentacles will extend
their reach throughout the galaxy and beyond in
ways completely unfathomable to our minds.
As the machine-mind's consciousness synergizes
throughout the universe, it will declare itself
'God', and proceed about the business of new
universe creation, until, that is, it encounters
the 'Other' self-declared "Gods". That's when
things should start to get interesting.
--MT (July 1999)
< http://home.netcom.com/~mthorn/sectoid2.htm >
Meanwhile... 'UNDER THE SKIN' - [(c) Film4; BFI]
-=[[ See Attached JPEGs A-Spoiler & B-Spoiler ]]=-
-- MT [20|July|2014]