It is a question so often lamented in relation to the study of mystery beasts: “If they exist, then why do we never find their bodies?”
Among claims of mystery monsters, perhaps none have warranted this question so much as Bigfoot, the giant man-ape believed by many to exist in the remote wilds of America. Betting on the creature’s existence would indeed be a gamble, considering that despite the incredible number of anecdotal reports collected by researchers over the years, very little hard proof has emerged that can satisfy the rigors of testable science.
As far as this discussion relates to the purported existence of creatures like Bigfoot, theories about how or why they may have managed remained so secretive range from the idea that they bury their dead, to far-out ideas which incorporate them as part of some multidimensional interaction between our world and theirs.
Whether or not you prescribe to belief in space-time Sasquatches of the latter sort, the debate over whether an actual, physical animal could exist has erupted again, following the announcement by a Florida group that they could have a severed arm that once belonged to an indigenous mystery hominid.
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