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Update on UFO Enigma
Weird Desk Archive (2014)
Published: 28 December 2014
Jack Sarfatti
shared a
December 25 at 10:40pm
It’s Clear That They’re Here – But Who & Why? From Where & How?
If one chooses to dive into the topic of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and the extraterrestrial hypothesis, they would no doubt be overwhelmed by all of the...
James Martinez
Nicholas Watson
Christopher Davis
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like this.
Mary Honey Kopacz
I think it's arrogant to think we are the only intelligent life form. It doesn't even make common sense. When you look at where we are headed, we are going to need a new planet soon. We've ruined this one so we need to head out. What would a human body look like after years in space? What would several generations of space make us look like? Our bones and muscles will shrivel and weaken, our eyes squish, our bellies protrude. And our skin would dry out and lose color. I wonder if we'd look like a Roswell gray? Wouldn't we try to go back and warn our ancestors? Maybe take some DNA? I think we have Aliens and Time Travelers. If I could travel back in time, I'd try to warn people and so would others. It's a common motivation so it makes sense to me.
Yesterday at 3:35am
Billy Rizzo
They have always been here, this is a prison planet.
Yesterday at 6:00am
Jack Sarfatti
Don Davis is wrong in his facts. " It's not at all clear that there are any 'them' to be from wherever, except for those making such claims." is hogwash.
Yesterday at 2:53pm
Dave Silverstein
Aliens are no my more real than the nose on my face. Yes, you read that right. There are spacecraft cave drawings from long before our current age of technology. I have never doubted their presence on the planet. Never. Some people are born more evolved and aware than others. Some people think too much, and don't let the obvious, be obvious. We weren't all created equal.
Yesterday at 4:09pm
Don Davis
Alright, let us discuss what constitutes evidence. Do you agree the burden of proof is on those who make extraordinary claims? You seem to imply we have good evidence of alien visitations. I have given this topic decades of thought as I presume you have.
When it comes to physical events our ability to capture them has reached a degree of saturation where things like a spiral outgassing of a rocket launch mishap, meteors, and other widely visible extraordinary natural events are likely to be captured in multiple angles in still and video images.
A collective 'sky watch' is also a continuing process in the form of amateur astronomy groups, tens of thousands of them. They head out to dark sky sites across the country and are experienced sky observers. One would expect high quality reports to emerge from this community if and when visitations by alien machines come their way.
The proliferation of observatory and research center all sky cameras being used to record the skies is another factor giving us more data to draw upon when checking a story out.
So, if we are talking about assuming Earth is being swarmed with visits by aliens using physical machines we are able to start to define upper limits to the time and location of such visits. If they avoid being documented that is surely telling us something. If we are talking about relatively elusive phenomena like St. Elmos fire, that passed the threshold of being well documented quite a while ago. Ball lightning has barely crossed that threshold but is still poorly documented, although a reasonable faximily to what is reported has been reproduced in labs.
Comparing the cases of objectively real things that become so by quality observations is worthwhile. They contrast with UFOs, which seem to consistently dwell in the realm of the undocumented. There doesn't seem to be the kind of converging of observations and theories being confirmed and disproved with 'flying saucers' that we see with things observed, studied, and made sense of. Of course high quality observations tend to remove the 'U' from the 'UFO', and from the realm of speculation aligned toward the ultimate mystery in our collective minds.
Yesterday at 4:09pm
Mary Honey Kopacz
The days of "Its just a weather balloon" are over. I'm not buying it. Too many credible witnesses out there. Astronauts, Pilots, Astronomers, Psychologists... I know several people in my own circle that have seen things that can't be explained. Intelligent, sane people. I believe them.
Yesterday at 4:49pm
Billy Rizzo
The RAND Corporation on UFOs !
But first, a few words about the term UFO. J. A. Hynek, an astronomer having continuous involvement with UFO...
Yesterday at 5:11pm
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John D Bent
Yesterday at 6:14pm
John D Bent
Love you,
Yesterday at 6:14pm
Jack Sarfatti
Just do your homework Don, you obviously have not. Here are a few leads
Welcome to MUFON
What is the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)?
19 hrs
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Jack Sarfatti
National Institute for Discovery Science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDSci) was a privately financed research organization based in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, and operated from 1995 to 2004.
20 hrs
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Roger Giuffre
real open mind, jack
20 hrs
Jack Sarfatti
Bruce Maccabee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bruce Maccabee (May 6, 1942) is an American optical...
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Jack Sarfatti
Nick Pope (journalist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nick Pope (born 19 September 1965) is a freelance British journalist and media commentator.[1] He was an employee at the British Government's Ministry of Defence (MoD) from 1985 to 2006 and is best known for a project he worked on for the British Government from 1991 to 1994 which involved investiga…
20 hrs
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Jack Sarfatti
Paul R. Hill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paul Richard Hill (1909–1990) was a renowned [1] mid–twentieth-century American aerodynamicist. He was a leading research and development engineer and manager for NASA (National Aeronautical and Space Administration) and its predecessor, NACA (the National Advisory Council for Aeronautics) between 1…
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Jack Sarfatti
20 hrs
Jack Sarfatti
Edward J. Ruppelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edward J. Ruppelt (July 17, 1923 – September 15, 1960) was a United States Air Force officer probably best known for his involvement in Project Blue Book, a formal governmental study of unidentified flying objects. He is generally credited with coining the term "unidentified flying object", to repla…
20 hrs
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Jack Sarfatti
Report on Unidentified Flying Objects - Ruppelt
All reports received were subjected to military intelligence analysis procedures. Astronomers, physicists, aerodynamic engineers, and psychologists were consulted in the course of the Air Force's exhaustive investigations. The official Air Technical Intelligence Center reports of their findings, man…
20 hrs
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Jack Sarfatti
Dr Eric Davis at 2010 SSE discussing UFO propulsion, Skinwalker Ranch and more...
From UFO UPDATES: From: J. Maynard Gelinas...
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Jack Sarfatti
19 hrs
Jack Sarfatti
High Strangeness by Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Arkadiusz Jadczyk
From the December 14, 1974 issue of TV Guide, a media...
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Jack Sarfatti
Stanton T. Friedman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stanton Friedman (born July 29, 1934) is a professional...
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Jack Sarfatti
Richard M. Dolan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dolan grew up in Brentwood, New York,[1] he attended Alfred University and Oxford University prior to graduate work in history at the University of Rochester.[2]
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Don Davis
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Jack Sarfatti
UFOs crash and burn at 100 Year Starship symposium | STARpod US
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Jack Sarfatti
BBC - Future - 100 Year Starship: An interstellar leap for mankind?
Is a Pentagon plan for a spaceship travel outside our solar...
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Jack Sarfatti
Low Power Starship Warp Drive (Excerpt from Stardrive book 090514)
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Jack Sarfatti
Stealing warp drive from the gods: The men who would build ‘Prometheus’ …...
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THIRD UPDATE Nov 11, 2014 with 121 hyperlinked...
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Jack Sarfatti
Sarfatti Notes on Kip Thorne's Interstellar Movie Book
This is still under construction and does not yet include...
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Jack Sarfatti
Philip J. Corso - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He served in the United States Army from February 23,...
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Jack Sarfatti
on the fringe
The Stargate Conspiracy
fundamentalist Christianitythe ‘message’ of ancient civilizationsalien abduction scenariothe Trojan Horse of its New Age image
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Jack Sarfatti
Secret CIA Psychic Lab Experiments with Uri Geller at ...
Video for Uri Geller CIA► 32:09► 32:09
Sep 13, 2010 - Uploaded by UFOTV® The Disclosure Movie Network
For over 20 years, scientists at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) carried out SECRET investigations into ESP ...
Uri Geller - Watch The Secret Life of Uri Geller Uncut
Video for Uri Geller CIA►►
Jul 22, 2013
The spoon-bender's secret life as a Mossad and CIA Agent revealed” The ... “Uri Geller Singled Out as CIA ...
Video for Uri Geller CIA► 54:21► 54:21
Nov 19, 2013 - Uploaded by KPRSProduction1
"THE SECRET LIFE OF URI GELLER & CIA MASTER SPY ?" w/ Special Guest Uri Geller Join us as we ...
Secret CIA Psychic Lab Experiments With Uri Geller at ...
Video for Uri Geller CIA► 32:09► 32:09
Sep 29, 2014 - Uploaded by Scary Chanel
For over 20 years, scientists at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) carried out SECRET investigations into ESP ...
Secret CIA Psychic Lab Experiments with Uri Geller at Stanford University - FEATURE...
19 hrs
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Jack Sarfatti
Destiny Matrix 2012 Jack Sarfatti
Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.
19 hrs
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Jack Sarfatti
19 hrs
Don Davis
Looks like a good list of on line references on the subject.
I suspect this is a belief driven rather than observation/theory/research driven subject.
As I mentioned, I have also given this subject some thought, and I have a few more submissions for you and anyone else reading this thread to consider. The importance of the pulp magazines in implanting the idea of flying saucers into the culture was convincingly made in the article I cited above.
18 hrs
Jack Sarfatti
I have blocked Don Davis. I see he is a true believer debunker without any real credentials in the subject. Those interested in his views go here
I do not want to waste my time on his clueless comments.
You can spend your entire life on this topic and end up with nothing to show for it.
11 hrs
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Jack Sarfatti
On Dec 27, 2014, at 11:33 AM, Robert Addinall wrote about the Rand paper
They did quite a good job IMO.
1. Cocteau's estimate of how many highly advanced civilizations may exist in the galaxy was very good and almost exactly how I've tried to articulate the problem at times. I'll probably now use this as a reference. I was surprised at the estimate of 100 million advanced civilizations/average spacing of 10 light years between advanced civilizations. My estimates tended to be an order or two of magnitude lower, but his methodology seems solid even ~45 years later. Of course we now know for certain that most, if not almost all, stars do develop planetary systems, but observing earth sized planets is difficult, so we're still not sure how abundant they are. We do know that a fair number of stars appear to have planets too close or too far to be in a habitable zone, but even that is already taken into account by Cocteau; he estimates 1000 million sun-like stars out of 100 billion stars and drops the number with planets in acceptable orbits to somewhere around 600 million.
Interestingly recent observations and computer models seem to suggest that binary and trinary star systems can have planets in stable orbits around each star, so long as the stars orbit a common barycenter at a sufficient distance; indeed some studies claim to have detected planets circling the two main Alpha Centauri stars (the third smaller star would circle the whole system outside of the two local systems). So perhaps Cocteau's estimate is even conservative.
To get ~10 LY average spacing we should expect civilizations in at least two of the following three systems with reasonably sun-like stars: Epsilon Eridani (though it's probably too young), Tau Ceti and Alpha Centauri. To maintain the spacing places like Gleise 86 would probably have to be inhabited too. So, either there should be loads of activity out there, or else: (a) correctly sized planets in habitable zones are very infrequent for some reason we don't yet understand; (b) for some reason we don't yet understand life fails to get started or to evolve beyond relatively small, simple forms; (c) civilizations tend to destroy themselves.
I keep an open mind but in the absence of data all I can say is that my instincts suggest that (a), (b), and (c) are wrong, which should mean that Cocteau's methodology holds and that there is a lot going on around the galaxy.
2. Another point where we now have a bit more to go on - the old light speed limit discussion further down in the paper. We now have the Thorne wormhole and Alcubierre warp metrics and the associated requirement for negative energy or mass, and we also have the accelerating expansion of the universe, which suggests that negative energy does exist in the universe. This is much more than having no clue as to how interstellar travel might work. Possibly we've actually already figured out generally how it works, but not the details yet. Obviously we can't build anything like this until we know how to generate and control negative energy.
Things like Jack's idea about changing the flexibility of spacetime by changing the speed of light might be techniques that further augment FTL travel or reduce the negative energy requirement.
7 hrs
Jack Sarfatti
On Dec 27, 2014, at 7:34 PM, Bruce Maccabee wrote:
A very interesting read after all these years. Shows that, although we have learned a lot in the last 46 years we still don't have universally accepted "proof" - presumably the "killer case" that puts UFO/AFC (Alien Flying Craft) over the top. We are still trying to answer Ruppelt's Canonical Question: what constitutes proof? Proof for one is simply an annoyance to another.
Kocher's example cases are by themselves valid evidence that something strange has been happening. I have investigated numerous candidates for "killer" status. I guess they have convinced some people, but the main thing is that they succeed in keeping my interest up. It turns out that what is important is what the "proof" causes a person to do. such as continue investigating... or lose interest. Unfortunately for Kocher's discussion and other contemporary discussions (such as presented in the Condon report) of the Air Force and CIA activities in the late 40's and early 50's, was the lack of access to the actual internal documents of the Air Force intelligence (AFOIN) and the FBI. These documents, which became available during the latter 70's and through the 80's, show that, although the AF downplayed the importance of UFO investigation and publicly asserted that there was nothing new underlying UFO reports (everything explainable so no flying saucers), privately the top AF generals assumed that at least a small percentage of reports were caused by "interplanetary" craft. This is documented using authentic documents from the AF, FBI and CIA files in my new book, The FBI CIA UFO Connection (see Amazon)
1 min
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