A New Mexico witness traveling westbound along I-10 near Deming reported a blimp-like UFO with “no wings or propellers,” according to testimony in Case 63124 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was heading to Tucson when the object was first seen about 8:06 a.m. on February 3, 2015.

“In the sky about half of a mile south of the freeway I saw the side view of a blimp-like object in the air, in front and just a bit below the top of the first hill on the Deming side,” the witness stated. “The object then moved above the hill and to the other side, and almost seemed to track with us for about 29 minutes.”

The witness also reported that there was also a car vs. truck accident on the highway heading west that morning.

“When I first saw the object I thought it was as UFO, because I could see it close enough that it had no wings, or propellers, and it was not a blimp, because they have a rectangular shape coming out of the bottom center, and it hovered for a while before it moved.”

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