NASA pulled what one UFO researcher is calling a “switcheroo,” when an odd light that may be a UFO of some kind appeared suspended in space outside the International Space Station (ISS), suddenly switching cameras back to a feed that showed nothing, but the blackness of deep space beyond the ISS itself.

The prolific UFO hunter who goes by the YouTube screen name Streetcap1, posted a video excerpt of the NASA ISS live feed last week, a video that appears to show what “Streetcap1″ apparently believes is a UFO.

Watch the video for yourself, above. Note that at the 0:14 mark, the camera angle changes for the first time to one which reveals a distinct, bright, white dot or “orb,” as one commenter on the video dubbed it, hanging in space in an area to the upper left of the space station.

The angle is held for a mere 13 seconds before the camera abruptly, at the 0:27 mark, switches back to the original angle in which only a portion of the ISS itself is visible and beyond it, nothing.

NASA has been censoring images from space since the space program's inception. Business as usual. To read more and view the video, click here.