UFO hunters are preparing to unveil a series of photographs depicting an "alien" who crashed to Earth during the famous Roswell incident.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut who was the sixth person to land on the moon, and a team of extraterrestrial investigators will appear at the 10,000 seater National Auditorium in Mexico City tomorrow to reveal the "Roswell Slides".

These photographs were reportedly snapped by a geologist using Kodachrome film and are said to show the remains of an alien found dead in New Mexico.

But despite international excitement over the images, some experts are already warning the unveiling could be little more than a cruel hoax.

"Some experts?" Experts or paid disinformation hacks? It's almost a given that the national security state media mouthpieces will most assuredly proclaim this as yet another hoax. To read more and view the video, click here.