NASA has been baffled by what could cause of two large 'bright spots' in a crater on its 580-mile wide surface since they were first pictured by the US space agency's Dawn probe February from a distance of 29,000 miles.

Theories have renaged from reflective ice patches or signs of ice volcanoes, or cryovolcanos, which form on icy moons or asteroids, erupting contaminated water which solidifies, instead of magma, to more far-fetched ones including it being an alien space station like the Star Wars Death Star.

Now, as the unmanned probe, gets even closer, the latest images, from 13,500 kms above at a resolution of 1.3 kilometers per pixel, just released by NASA show the two large lights in a crater now dubbed the 'great whites' are actually a series of much smaller spots together.

The images have also shown the 'Great Whites" are not the only bright spots on the surface.

There are many different ones dotting the planet, including huge cracks that stretch nearly a quarter of the circumference and others which are linked to bright rays of material, which scientits feel could be after effets of comet or asteroid strikes.

Ever since news of the lights spread, UFO hunters have speculated they could be light sources made by alien inhabitants, with the more bizarre theories including it signalling Ceres is actually a well-hidden alien space station.

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