Files which UFO hunters believe could prove that an alien craft landed in Suffolk in 1980 are to be published by the incident.

UFO hunters have campaigned for the release of 18 files about UFO sightings in the UK ,backed by Lord Black of Brentwood, who was assured in a Parliamentary question that they would be published in March next year.

The files cover alien ‘visits’ such as the Rendlesham Forest Incident in 1983, U.S. Army personnel stationed near Rendlesham in Suffolk saw a strange, metallic triangle which was ‘dripping molten metal’ - and witnessed a light like a ‘huge red eye’.

Unlike most UFO sightings, it was documented in voice recordings from senior American soldiers, who also drew disturbing pictures of the object they saw.

One witness claimed to have telepathically ‘received’ a binary code, which has never been deciphered.

Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, said, ‘Its great that these files will be released but I’m reliably informed that some contain duplicates of documents already made available to the public. It seems very unlikely they will not contain anything like the type of evidence UFO supporters yearn for, like crashed saucers or interviews with aliens.

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