Thirty-five years ago in December 1980, NATO’s largest airbase was the joint American and U. K. RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge in Suffolk County, England. After midnightfor three nights in a row on December 26, 27 and 28, 1980, colorful unidentified aerial lights and white beams were seen in Rendlesham Forest that grew along the base. After midnight on both December 26th and 28th, then-USAF Airman 1st Class John Burroughs was the only military person known to have encountered the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) up close on both of those nights. The strange lights were also reported in Rendlesham Forest on the night of December 27th, but John Burroughs was not there.

The time sequences in which military personnel were involved over three different 24-hour time periods can be confusing. John Burroughs was in C Flight law enforcement duty after midnight on December 26th for his first encounter with the lights.

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