A Kansas witness at Lawrence reported watching a “shape shifting blob” drifting overhead and moving toward the University of Kansas campus, according to testimony in Case 70294 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was near the fairgrounds east of Lawrence and stepped outside on September 8, 2015, watching overcast skies with lower levels of puffy clouds.

“I sat facing directly towards the west or towards the University of Kansas,” the witness stated. “This day, Tuesday, was the day after Labor Day and the work day as an electrician had been full of frustrations. I had begun to accept that this day was truly unusual, and thought to myself something big was gonna happen and soon I felt a wave of uneasiness and anxiety rush over me.”

It was at this point that the object was first seen.

“At this time it entered my field of vision directly over my head from the west traveling east seemingly noiseless when half way through my field of viewing it I heard what could only have been regular air traffic that would have been above the cloud deck moving from southwest to northeast as they do routinely.”

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