Just when you thought things couldn’t get any stranger, a long comes along this strange story about numerous people throughout California, witnessing a HUGE V-Shaped UFO in the skies above several cities in California.

A large V-Shaped UFO was witnessed by many in different Cities throughout California.  The most interesting thing about this event is that we also have some pretty clear images to back up this intriguing story.  Apparently reports are STILL flooding in by people confirming that they have also seen this V-Shaped UFO up in the skies above them!

It is very interesting that I personally witnessed some VERY unusual activity on the moon recently, of which there appeared to be on the moon itself, some kind of large V shaped craft – I will disclose this information in more depth sooner than later, but could this possibly be the same thing!?

It has also been said that perhaps the Alien Beings were interested to see what WE were looking up at of the night of the Blood Moon, or perhaps just taking in the incredible event themselves! Perhaps the ET’s were in shock to see so many ‘humans’ looking up.

Please read below some eye witness statements, sent in to our ‘friends’ at MUFON:

To read more and view the video, click here.