So a new 501(c)3 called UFO Detection and Tracking, or UFODATA, is making the latest bid to chase The Great Taboo with state-of-the-art technology. Board member Leslie Kean, best-selling author of UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record, made the announcement in Huffington Post last week, and you can read all about it at

Featuring more than a dozen engineers, scientists and academics -- including the project controller of the European Space Agency’s Space Research and Technology Centre -- the multinational UFODATA joins other fledgling initiatives like the Mutual UFO Network’s “Project Allsky” and UFOTOG, the brainstorm of Hollywood special effects whiz Douglas Trumbull. Not to mention a grass-roots lone-wolf German initiative, Project Connecting Evidence, currently developing downloadable motion-sensor software to activate PC webcams in the event of anomalous aerial activity.

To read more, click here.