The animal kingdom is vast. From creepy cockroaches to giant elephants, from the agile hyena to the majestic lion, and from the not-so-scintillating ass to the glorious tiger Rs the animal kingdom is full of surprises. Although, in the recent years, scientists have met with glorious success, there are some animals out there in the wild, living their own life and remaining veiled from everyone.

There are animals that are known to exist over many decades, but their existence has not been proved by mainstream science. This is crypto-zoology, the science dealing with such animals (which are also known as cryptids).

Crypto-zoology is a science that requires scientific investigation into the world of animals that are famed to exist, but whether such animals live is still a question. This wide branch of science does not include ghosts, fairies, monsters or other mythological creatures. It includes animals such as the Yeti, the Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, the chupacabra etc.

Although it is not known that whether they really exist or not, but from the evidences one may always come close to the fact that they are always there in human minds, trying to create panic. If their existence is proved, then it would bring a revolution to science and to this world. Meanwhile, let’s take a closer look at these cryptids and see how they earned fame.

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