The elusive Planet X, or Nibiru, with its unimaginably long 27-million-year orbit, is still only a theory to many. But one astrophysicist believes it spells doom for Earth. Nibiru’s arrival this month, he says, will bring about a mass extinction of untold proportions.

The celestial body, theorized in many an ancient text – most notably among the Sumerians –  is predicted to be 10 times our size, and is currently still thousands of times further away from us than our sun. But if the latest research is correct, something is having a skewing effect on a group of objects in the Kuiper Belt, just beyond Neptune. And it’s closing in fast.

Thanks to science, we know that the larger the celestial body, the bigger its gravity, and consequently, its ability to affect other, smaller bodies around it. We’ve known of Jupiter’s crucial role in protecting us from asteroids for quite some time now. But the mysterious Nibiru could very well do the opposite - and some say there’s good reason to believe it.

According to wide speculation among the space-surveying community, we were never likely to observe Nibiru closely, owing to its long orbit. However, once it makes its theoretical journey back around, it’s going to bring with it more than just a pretty sight.

Some say the mass extinction some 27 million years ago was caused by just that: comets and other space debris pummeling Earth and wiping everything out. And we indeed have fossil evidence to suggest that, with striking regularity, something wiped out almost all life once in every 27 million years, dating back at least 250 million years.

Ancient Sumerian writings first documented the planet’s supposed existence, as did other ancient civilizations. But our inability to study it firmly placed the doomsday scenarios into the conspiracy-theory category.

Now, a retired astrophysics professor from the University of Louisiana, Daniel Whitmire, is saying Nibiru has all but arrived to our neck of the woods - and that the destruction brought about by its gravitational trickery will take place this very April, as it’s done numerous times before, every time it passed us by.

Whitmire recently published his research in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, although he first theorized the Nibiru-mass extinction connection back in 1985 in the journal Nature.

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