An Arizona witness at an airport in the Tempe-Phoenix area reported watching a chevron-shaped UFO under 500 feet, according to testimony in Case 75640 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was outside at the airport “disposing of trash” about 9 p.m. on March 1, 2016, when the incident occurred.

“The lights were what I noticed at first,” the witness stated.“They were white and formed a chevron shape that allowed me to notice the shape of the object. It was very large as it passed beside me. I was near the tower, so I knew it was high, but not too high as for me not to get an idea how large this object was.”

There were other possible witnesses to the UFO.

“The planes at Terminal 4 were lined up and nothing was moving. I was in total disbelief that it was happening. It made no noise at all.”

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