The conspiracy theory blogosphere has come alive lately with anxious rumors about a plan by the global elite or “globalists” to implement Project Blue Beam — a false-flag alien invasion of Earth — to stop the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump from being elected by the masses as president of the United States of America.

The global elite allegedly plan to implement the Project Blue Beam false flag operation either before the general election in November 2016 when it becomes clear that a Trump victory is inevitable or before he is sworn into office as president.

According to the latest conspiracy theory rumor making the rounds in right-wing “alternative news” blogs, the New World Order (NWO) globalists have identified the burgeoning “Trump populist movement” as the major threat to their Machiavellian world domination plans. The globalists have panicked since Trump emerged unexpectedly as the GOP presidential front-runner because they are afraid that if Trump is allowed to become president of the United States, he could derail their New World Order (NWO) plans as his anti-globalist movement goes international.

The NWO-Illuminati globalists have therefore been considering several contingency plans to thwart the growing Trump populist movement. The options being considered, according to conspiracy theorists, include primary and general election fraud, assassination, a terrorist false-flag operation, a Yellow stone false-flag event, which is an alleged plan to induce an eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano in Wyoming.

However, if all other contingency plan options fail to thwart Donald’s Trump bid for the White House, the globalists have a final “Trump card” option to perpetuate the globalist liberal status quo — implementation of Project Blue Beam.

Conspiracy theory speculation that the global elite would attempt to inaugurate the godless, totalitarian, and liberal New World Order by staging a fake alien invasion of Earth under Project Blue Beam, which first emerged in the 1980s when the Quebecois conspiracy theorist Serge Monast claimed existence of a top-secret program — managed jointly by NASA and the Pentagon — to use a false-flag extraterrestrial threat to deceive the world to cede power to the global elite.

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