Something strange is happening in this tiny town on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation in the far reaches of Northern New Mexico.

Residents claim they’re seeing — even photographing — flying saucers and other unidentified flying objects over the community of about 2,600 people, many of whom also share stories of low-flying military helicopters and fast-moving lights darting back and forth in the sky.

One resident even claims to have tracked Bigfoot.

But it’s the unexplained activity in the sky — and possibly underneath a neighboring mountain — that has captivated this community, the capital of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. Everyone knows about New Mexico’s decades-long connection with UFOs, starting with the reported crash landing of an unidentified flying object on a ranch near Roswell in 1947.

Since then, New Mexicans have reported hundreds of sightings and encounters with UFOs. Roswell has built an industry around its fabled alien visitors with a museum and annual festival devoted to them.

But if Roswell is the capital of New Mexico’s fascination with the unexplained, Dulce is the town of true believers.

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