A Portuguese witness at Faro who is a pilot reported a cross-shaped UFO crossing the sky, according to Case 74679 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was outside near his home at 3 p.m. on September 13, 2015, when the incident occurred.

“The Algarve, Portugal, sighting was a clear UFO,” the witness stated. “I am using aviation phrases to describe conditions. I am flying for more than 15 years.”

The witness described the object.

“No noise, no directional change, straight line path flying over the coastline on approximately track 270 magnetic course. The sun at the day in early September was shining bright conditions CAVOK. From the side where the sun lighted the object it was white and had a shape like a Katana micro plane – the school two-seater, but was built up in two levels. On the backside there raged out a hockey stick-like aileron which was not moving.”

The witness reviewed the object’s position and ground speed.

“The object was flying direction west parallel to the eastwards right-hand upwind of FAO airport (the usual commercial outbound) routing. This means against the direction of commercial traffic and a bit above the route. The object was moving with approximately 250 KTS steadily.”

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